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  5. [ADDON] Essentials module for UltimatePOS Advance

[ADDON] Essentials module for UltimatePOS Advance

Features in Essentials module:

  • ToDo List:
    • Add new to-do items
    • Mark items as completed.
    • Delete items
    • Date-Wise to-do list.
  • Document
    • Easy document storage to the cloud in your server.
    • Share documents with other users or other roles.
    • Download document.
    • Delete documents
  • Memos
    • Written message or short notes.
    • Share with other users or roles.
    • Delete
  • Reminders
    • Add reminder with event name, date, time.
    • One time reminder or Repeated reminder – every day or every week or every month
    • Nice calendar view.
  • Messages
    • Send messages to everyone within your business.
    • Send to a particular location.
    • Permission to allow sending or only view.
  • Knowledge Base
    • Add information about your business, product, and services.
    • Share these details if needed.
  • Settings
    • Separate settings enabled for leave, payroll, attendance, sales target, and essentials.

Installing the Essentials Module

Installing the essentials module to UltimatePOS is easy as cake. Make sure you meet the below requirements:

  1. Since this is not a standalone application you will need UltimatePOS (Download from here)
  2. UltimatePOS – Advance the latest version installed. For UltimatePOS installation step refer to this documentation.


For Essentials module 2.0 or higher follow the instruction given in this link.

For older version follow the steps given below:

  1. Unzip the file downloaded from codecanyon.net. Inside that, you will find the “Essentials” directory.
  2. Go to UltimatePOS installed directory. There you will find a folder named “Modules” (in the same level as app or bootstrap directory).
    If this folder is not present then create the “Modules” folder (Make sure the folder name is exactly “Modules” with “M” in capital case). It should be inside the POS codebase, in the same level as the “public” folder. (NOT inside the public folder)
  3. Upload or Cut-Paste the  “Essentials” directory inside this “Modules” directory.
  4. Open .env file present inside pos folder. Inside that, you will find “ADMINISTRATOR_USERNAMES” configuration. Add the superadmin username in this option.
    Example if “user1” is superadmin then:
    user1 mentioned here is for example only. You have to add an already existing/signed up username here.
    NOTE: If you have already installed SaaS-Superadmin or UltimatePOS-to-WooCommerce module then no need to do step 4.
  5. Login with superadmin (username which is added in step 4). After log in, you will able to see the essentials menu present at the bottom of the sidebar. If not present them make sure the above steps are followed properly.
  6. After login, install superadmin by going to the below URL:
    If you pos is installed in www.example.com then go to www.example.com/essentials/install
  7. It will process for a few minutes and the installation success message will be displayed.

Great, installation is done now.

We also provide paid installation service, contact support for details about it. http://ultimatefosters.com/support/

Updating the Essentials Module:

For Essentials module 2.0 or higher follow the instruction given in this link.

For older version follow the steps give below:

  1. Download the new version available from codecanyon.
  2. Extract/Unzip the Zip file.
  3. Inside the “Essentials-(SaaS-compatible)-V” folder you will find a “Essentials” folder.
  4. Open your cPanel or DirectAdmin or FTP (Filezilla) or localhost, and go to the Modules folder.
  5. Delete the existing “Essentials” module from folder your server.
  6. Upload the new downloaded “Woocommerce” module.
  7. Log in with your superadmin or Administrator account in POS.
  8. Run this URL in your browser:
    http://yourwebsite.com/essentials/install/update or if you’re using a sub-domain:
    It will run for a few minutes and show a success message.
  9. You can view the version number of essentials module on the messages screen.

Version Log:

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