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  5. Setting up Google reCAPTCHA Keys

Setting up Google reCAPTCHA Keys

Setting up Google reCAPTCHA Keys:

To have the google reCAPTCHA in your login screen, follow the steps given below.

Step 1: Open your browser and visit the Google reCAPTCHA website – https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create

Step 2: Log in the website using your Google account details.

Step 3: Register a new site.

Step 3.1: Click the ‘+’ button at the top right corner to add a new site.

Step 3.2: A wizard will be displayed to complete the necessary details. Fill in the correct details.

Step 4: Fill in the details as mentioned below. Refer to the screenshot added below.

  • Label: Enter a label to identify your site (e.g., your domain name and a note).
  • Type of reCAPTCHA: Select reCAPTCHA v2. Make sure to choose the appropriate type, such as “I’m not a robot”.
  • Domains: Enter your site’s domain name (e.g., example.com). If you have multiple domains, add them all.
  • Owners: The current email will be added by default. You can add more email addresses if needed.

Step 5: Accept the Terms of Service check box.

Step 6: Click the Submit button.

Step 7: The site key and secret key will be generated. Copy these keys and use them in your application.

Step 8: Add these variables in your .env file as mentioned below.




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