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  5. [ADDON] CMS Module (Content Management System) for UltimatePOS

[ADDON] CMS Module (Content Management System) for UltimatePOS

CMS (Content Management System) module for UltimatePOS

Installation of CMS module:

Check this document having installation steps:  Installation Steps

Site Details:

Building Landing page:

Adding new pages:

Blog Management:

Adding support link in CMS module:

To add the official support website of UltimatePOS in your system using CMS module follow the steps below.

In your CMS module go to pages and add a new page(eg: Support/Help).

Add the official support link(https://support.ultimatefosters.com/) to that page.

Add additional information or content to that page if needed.

Alignment Issue in NavBar:

If the list of pages in the navigation bar(menu bar) is not aligned properly then follow the steps mentioned in the document(link given below).


Version Log:

V 2.0 – June 7, 2024

  1. NEW: Updated as per new design.

NOTE: You must update UltimatePOS to V6.x before updating the module to this version.

V 1.2 – August 23, 2023

  1. FIX: The issue in the register button on creating new pages is fixed.

V1.1 – April 14, 2023

  1. Improvement: Remove length check from mobile/contact number field in site details.

V1.0 – March 02, 2023

  1. Compatible with Ultimate POS V5.

V0.6 – Nov 18, 2022

  1. Improvement: If user is logged-in then display dashboard link instead of login link.

V0.5 – Oct 2, 2022

Initial release

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