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  5. Updating Multi-Purpose Form Generator

Updating Multi-Purpose Form Generator

Updating Multi-Purpose form generator to latest version

Taking backup

Important: Before updating to any new release make sure to take a back up of the following:

  1. Database Backup: Take a back of database used in Form-Generator. You can do this by exporting the database from phpmyadmin. Detailed step here
  2. public/uploads folder: Copy/move this folder
  3. .env file
  4. Translation files: If you have included any new translation language, keep a backup of the language directory from
    resources/lang/{directory created by you}

Updating Steps:

Proceed to update only after you have taken the backup and kept in a safe place.

  1. Download the new code from codecanyon, upload it to host server and unzip it.
  2. Replace the old code with the new codebase folder (For example Form-Generator-CodeBase-V3.3) present inside the unzipped file in step 1.
  3. Check if “.env” file is not present then replace it from backup.
  4. Go to www.yourwebsite.com/install/update/
  5. Enter the license key and envato username & click update.
  6. It will take a few minutes to install and configure the updates. Make sure you don’t close, refresh or go back.
  7. After updating it will redirect to login page or the home page if you’re already logged in.
  8. Check in the footer of your application it will show the latest version of the application.
  9. Replace the public/uploads folder with the backup folder which we kept above.

That’s all, update is done.

If any problem contact support.

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