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  5. Auto-Generating unique reference ID for form submittion

Auto-Generating unique reference ID for form submittion

Automatically generating unique reference number for the form submission


  1. Automatic generation of reference numbers helps to recognize the submitted data easily.
  2. Make the registration looks legit

Multi-Purpose form generator provides a good customisable option for generating reference numbers.

Steps to enable

  1. Go to add or edit form.
  2. Go to setting tab
  3. In the bottom, you’ll find the option “Form submission reference”
  4. Enable it and you’ll see some options for doing settings for it.
    1. Prefix: Any small String or Symbol that will be added to the start of the generated number, like your company’s short name or some unique identified.
    2. Suffix: Any small String or Symbol that will be added to the end of the generated number.
    3. Start Number: Starting number for generating the reference number.
    4. Minimum Digit: Minimum digits that should be present in the reference number.
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