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  4. Extended License Features – SaaS – Software as a service
  5. Setting up Payment Gateways

Setting up Payment Gateways

As of writing this document Paypal & Offline payment gateway is included by default for customer subscription with Multi-Purpose Form generator. More gateways are coming soon.

Setting up Paypal gateway

PayPal is configured out-of-box with Multi-Purpose Form generator.

  • Obtain your API Username, API Password & API Signature/Secret.
  • Go to Superadmin -> System Settings -> Payment API Settings -> Paypal
    • Select the Paypal Mode (Live or Sandbox)
    • Enter the API details in live or sandbox: “API Username”, “API Password”, “API Secret” (API secret is same as API signature)
  • NOTE: to accept payment from customers you must make the mode to live and provide the like “Live API Username”, “Live API Password”, “Live API Secret”. Sandbox is for testing purpose only.

Offline Payment

Something you want to accept payment offline or customer pays you offline. In that case during registration or subscription of package customer can select the gateway as Offline.

When offline gateway is selected a email notification it sent to superadmin email for manually activating the subscription. Subscription can be activate by going to Superadmin -> Package Subscription -> Edit.

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