Mailchimp Integration with Form Generator.
Using Mailchimp you can add anyone filling the forms to your MailChimp marketing platform.
If you don’t have a MailChimp account yet, then register it here:
Integration a form with MailChimp:
- Click on the Mailchimp tab present in Add/Edit form.
- Click Enable checkbox.
- Fill out the details as per the below instructions.
- Mailchimp API key: You’ll get this from here, simply copy the code show and paste it. Link:
- Mailchimp List-Id: Get list id as per the instructions given in here:
- Subscription Status: This will determine the status of the newly subscribed user.
- Email: Select the email field present in the form. Make sure this is a valid email field.
- Name: Select the name field present in the form. It is optional.
On configuring the above details, whenever a new visitor fills in the form the email & name gets added to your MailChimp account for sending marketing emails.