What is cron job?
Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron
Use of Cron in ProjectCamp
Cron Jobs are used for the following purposes:
- Reminder: Reminder feature.
- Automatic Backup: If you want to automate the backup process to take place every day.
Any other feature as mentioned throughout the documentation.
Setting up cron job
- You will find cron job command in Settings screen Cron Tab .
It will be in this format:
* * * * * php /path_to_projectcamp_folder schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
- Login into your Cpanel or direct admin or similar server management portal and Go into Cron Jobs or scheduler menu.
It will look something like this in cpanel: - In the “Add New Cron Job” section, select:
minutes = *
Hour = *
Day = *
Month = *
Weekday = *
Command = php /path_to_pos_folder schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
Command is same as the command displayed above except remove all the * before it. - Click “Add New Cron Job” Button and it will be added.
- You will find cron job command in Settings screen Cron Tab .
NOTE: only one cron job is required for all feature, don’t add it multiple times.
Cron job errors & Fixes:
ArgvInput.php ‘Invalid argument supplied for foreach()’
To fix this error, go to edit php.ini and enable/turn-on register_argc_argv ini settings. And it will start to work fine.