Video Guide for installation
Installing ProjectCamp
Server requirements
Make sure your server meets the following requirements:
- PHP >= 7.1 (Recommended: PHP version 7.2)
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- cURL PHP Extension
- Zip PHP Extension
- GD PHP Extension
Server Recommendation
- ProjectCamp can be installed in Localhost.
- If you want to make it accessible online – We recommend using Cloud host – as it provides better flexibility or control of the server. You can use AWS or Digital Ocean or search for some others. Our demo site is set up on Digital Ocean.
- You can also use Shared hosting. We also recommend using InMotion hosting, use this link to get additional up to 40% discount. But you’re free to use any other which meets the server requirements.
- After downloading, extract the file onto your desktop using a zip software (like winzip or winrar or something else ).
- In case you want to install the system locally, here are the steps:
- 2.1 Download & Install a server like WAMP(for Windows) or XAMP(for windows or Linux) or something else as per your preference having Apache or Nginx server.
- 2.2 Go to the htdocs folder. htdocs folder is commonly present inside the xamp/htdocs.
- 2.3 Copy the codebase folder (For example ProjectCamp-CodeBase-V0.5) present inside the unzipped file in step 1.
- 2.4 Rename the folder to ProjectCamp. (For example: ProjectCamp-CodeBase-V2.8.1 to ProjectCamp)
- 2.5 Now open http://localhost/ProjectCamp/public/install or http://localhost/ProjectCamp/install
Here you will see a screen with “Doing some pre-installation checkup…” - 2.6 Make sure all checks are shows as Green-Tick. If there is something with Red-Cross then fix it and refresh the page to check again. After all Green-Tick click on “Go to Next Step”
- If it shows a 404 error go to .
- 2.7 Follow the installation instructions as displayed in the screen.
- 2.8 After all installation is done, Go inside the public folder and delete the install folder present.
- In case you want to install the system in hosting, here are the steps:
- 3.0 Make sure the URL of application is like or for a better experience. Installing in folders like is not recommended.
- 3.1 Upload the extracted PMS zip file (all files & folders inside ProjectCamp-CodeBase-V0.5) in the server document root.
- Upload it directly by logging into your cPanel (or direct admin) & going to file manager.
- Or you can use FTP client like filezilla (
- 3.3 Open your website or
- 3.4 Make sure all shows a Green-Tick. If there is something with Red-Cross then fix it and refresh the page to check again. After all Green-Tick click on “Go to Next Step”
- 3.5 Follow the installation instructions as displayed on the screen.
- 3.6 You will see the installation page as given below or if shows some error then check debugging errors notes given below.
- 3.7 After all installation is done, Go inside the public folder and delete the install folder present.
- “Doing some pre-installation checkup.” Screen: Make sure all are marked with Green-Tick then click on “Next Step”
On clicking “Next Step” it will go to the Installation screen as shown below in step 5.
Not Found Error: If it shows a not found error after clicking on the “Next Step” link then try changing the link as below:
(to remove index.php from the URL make sure you have mod_rewrite enabled, contact your hosting for more details) - Installation screen:
Read the instructions. it says to keep all your information ready for next steps, like database details, email configuration, envato purchase code .
- Fill this form with all details & click on “Install”
- After clicking on “Install” if all details are correct it will go to the next step. If it shows invalid purchase code then refer to this guide.
“You must type a file name” Error in windows: Check the steps mentioned at the end with heading – (creating a hidden file in windows)
- Click on “Install” after this and wait for a few minutes to process (1 to 10 minutes depends on hosting)
- It will display an install success screen with the default login details.
Debugging Errors:
While installation there can be some errors because of a few reasons, check the below & fix accordingly.
- Syntax Error: If it shows syntax error then make sure you have PHP version 7.0 or higher. It will be nice to have the latest PHP 7.2 version.
- 500 Internal Server error: This can happen if the server is not configured properly. Check your server Log and fix accordingly.
- If it shows SoftException in Application.cpp:651: Directory “/installed-directory/public” is writeable by group, referer:, then go to the public folder and make its permission as 755
- If it shows SoftException in Application.cpp:651: Directory “/installed-directory/public/index.php” is writeable by group, referer:, then go to the public/index.php folder and make its permission as 755
- After successful installation, if you visit, you will get an error page. If you want to change any further details like the database, database name, host, database password; you can do it by changing in .env file present inside codebase.
In windows when you try to create .env file it shows an error – “You must type a file name”
To overcome this error enter the name of the file as .env. (notice a “.” at the end of the name) and it will work.
In the File Explorer, call your file .env.
and it will remove the ending ‘.’