Dear Happy UltimatePOS users, 😀
We’re planning to change the template used in UltimatePOS. And we would like to use one of your favorite templates. 😎
Suggest your favorites “HTML Admin Templates” and we may consider using in UltimatePOS. Based on your suggestion our experts will check the templates and select one of the best among your suggestions.
Template Criteria:
Make sure the HTML template you recommend MUST meets these criteria:
- Must be built with Bootstrap 4.x latest version.
- Must be using jQuery.
- Must be of high quality.
- Must provide regular updates.
And obviously, the theme must look awesome. 🤩
Feel free to add comments in this thread with your recommendation.
Also, feel free to add your queries/suggestions.
We’re excited to hear back from you 🙌
UPDATE: Changing theme has been paused because UltimatePOS has grown a lot and that means changing all this will introduce a lot of bugs. So instead we reached to the conclusion to customize the AdminLTE theme which we already have used to make it modern. We’re working on changing the Login screen, Register, Dashboard & POS screen to make it better.
UBold and Metronic
Dear Frank,
Thanks for the recommendation. Templates available outside of themeforest market place will be given higher priority, so if you have some other recommendation outside of them then feel free to add them.
Thank you
Keen – The Ultimate Bootstrap Admin Theme and Hyper – Responsive Admin & Dashboard Template
We will check it out, Thank you.
This seems professional and suited for all components, jquery version available. desc live
Thanks, we will check it out. If you find something better feel free to share it as well.
Check out these themes with RTL support and nice interface.
Keep in mind that it is light and that it is material desing
as advice I say use the theme without altering it, the theme has a good user experience, also is developed with boostrap and community boostrap
I have chosen one theme, but after seeing the comment visited Hyper theme and it seems to be better than that.
Ok, Thank you.
I hve purchased the WooCommerce add-on for Ultimate POS. But what i have to do next?? Can i build WooCommerce Website from that Add-on? what steps you should recommend to me?
Kindly contact support with the detail of your query.